Results for 'Hans-Peter A. Künzi'

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  1.  17
    Tight extensions of T0-quasi-metric spaces.Hans-Peter A. Künzi, Paulus Haihambo & Collins Amburo Agyingi - 2014 - In Dieter Spreen, Hannes Diener & Vasco Brattka (eds.), Logic, Computation, Hierarchies. De Gruyter. pp. 9-22.
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    Han Yü's poetische Werke: Uebersetzt von Erwin von Zach (1872-1942)Han Yu's poetische Werke: Uebersetzt von Erwin von Zach. [REVIEW]Peter A. Boodberg, James Robert Hightower, Han Yü & Han Yu - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (1):35.
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  3. Sachverhalte und Extensionalität in der freien Logik.Hans-Peter Leeb - 2006 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    Empty individual expressions are needed to reconstruct the actual use of scientific language as well as to make logic free from existence assumptions. According to Quine, a language must be extensional to be adequate for the purposes of science. By means of Lambert's non-extensionality argument it can be demonstrated that a language containing empty individual expressions cannot be extensional as long as truth-values are the extensions of sentences. This book investigates the soundness of Lambert's argument and examines the question of (...)
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  4. Persons and Their Bodies: The Körper/Leib Distinction and Helmuth Plessner’s Theories of Ex-centric Positionality and Homo absconditus.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (3):256-274.
    In German discussions over the last twenty years of the difference between what it is to be a body (in German: Leibsein) and what it is to have a body (Körperhaben), many have been concerned to remind us that we owe this conceptual distinction to the philosophical anthropologist Helmuth Plessner. He introduces the distinction in an essay from 1925—written in collaboration with the Dutch behavioral researcher Frederick Jacob Buytendijk—“Die Deutung des mimischen Ausdrucks. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Bewusstsein des anderen (...)
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    A. Einleitung.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Philosophical Nihilism: A New Logic For Technological Modernity?Hans-Peter Söder - 2013 - SATS 14 (2):187-198.
    Name der Zeitschrift: SATS Jahrgang: 14 Heft: 2 Seiten: 187-198.
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    Sinne geben zu denken: Ästhetische Erfahrung in der neueren Philosophie.Hans Peter Balmer - 2019 - München: Universitätsbibliothek Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
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    How is the Human Life-Form of Mind Really Possible in Nature? Parallels Between John Dewey and Helmuth Plessner.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (1):47-64.
    J. Dewey and H. Plessner both and independently of one another treated the central question of what new task philosophy must set itself if the assumption is correct that the life-form of mind, i.e., the mental life-form of humans, arose in nature and must also sustain itself in the future within nature. If nature has to reconceived so as to make the irreducible qualities of life and mind truly possible, then it can no longer be restricted to the role of (...)
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    Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsmaßnahme" Als Vollzug.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - De Gruyter Recht.
    Das Insolvenzrecht gehört zu dem Kernbestand der Regelwerke, die das Vertrauen der Rechtsgenossen in eine Rechtsordnung sichern. Es regelt die Bedingungen allseitiger Haftung eines Schuldners und steckt damit zugleich den Rahmen ab, innerhalb dessen die Gläubiger erwarten können, dass ihre Rechte in einer und durch eine Reorganisation und Sanierung des schuldnerischen Unternehmens gewahrt werden. Die faktische Wirkung des Insolvenzrechts endet nicht an nationalstaatlichen Grenzen. Das Insolvenzverfahren ist nach seinem Anspruch auf universelle Geltung angelegt. In fast allen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (...)
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    Are Biology and Medicine Only Physics? Building Bridges Between Conventional and Complementary Medicine.Hans-Peter Dürr - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (5):338-351.
    In classical physics, the world is considered as a matter-based reality, the arrangement of whose parts in time is uniquely determined by certain dynamic laws. By contrast, modern quantum physics reveals that matter is not composed of matter, but reality is merely potentiality. The world has a holistic structure, which is based on fundamental relations and not material objects, admitting more open, indeterministic developments. In this more flexible causal framework, inanimate and animate matter are not to be considered as fundamentally (...)
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  11.  9
    Heroismus Und Arbeit in der Entstehung der Hegelschen Philosophie.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2014 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Wie kann die Entstehung des kritischen Potentials der Hegelschen Philosophie historisch verständlich werden? In der Beantwortung dieser Frage wird Hegels Transformation der "Arbeit des Republikaners für das Allgemeine" (1795) über die "allgemeine Arbeit des Krieges" (1802) bis zur "Arbeit des Begriffes" (1807) rekonstruiert. Diese Transformation erfolgt in Hegels Teilnahme an revolutionshistorischen Heroismusformen, die Citoyen-Substitute für die bourgeoise Hegemonie begründen. Für Hegels Übergang vom jakobinischen zum napoleonischen Substitut spielt zunächst die "höhere Aufklärung" der "Vereinigung" (Hölderlin) die Schlüsselrolle, sodann die durch Schellings (...)
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  12.  13
    Verantwortung für die Fraglichkeit des Menschen? Zum Status der Philosophischen Anthropologie.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (1):46-57.
    Responsibility means not just to give the right response to a question. It should not necessarily succeed to ask and respond about acts, and to submit them to some discursive rules. In fact, responsibility is related to an indefinite questioning: How could some question-answer-rules, which consequences exceed a situation, be adequately applied to this situation? To give an answer to this questionability, it would be necessary to move in a self-relating language as well as in a distancing intuition. Thus, the (...)
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    Are the Votes of Ethics Committees in Germany for the Protection of Clinical Study Trial Subjects “Sovereign Acts?”.Hans-Peter Graf - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):341-354.
    A sudden paradigm shift has resulted in governmental measures that greatly impact the scope in which the ethics committees in Germany can perform their task of providing expert opinions for clinical research. The so-called “revaluation” of the Medical Device Law Deutsches Medizinproduktegesetz—MPG) is, in our opinion, not based on sound political and professional judgment. In accordance with the changed regulations, ethics committees are now seen as being sub-organs of the state medical associations or the medical faculties and are therefore official (...)
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    Mass-Mediated Expertise as Informal Policy Advice.Hans Peter Peters, Harald Heinrichs & Imme Petersen - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (6):865-887.
    Scientific policy advice is usually perceived as a formalized advisory process within political institutions. Politics has benefited from this arrangement because the science-based rationalization of policy has contributed to its legitimacy. However, in Western democratic societies, scientific expertise that is routinely mobilized to legitimate political positions has increasingly lost its power due to controversial expertise in the public sphere in particular within the mass media. As a consequence of the medialization of science, political decision makers are increasingly confronted with mass-mediated (...)
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  15. The second nature of human beings: An invitation for John McDowell to discuss Helmuth plessner's philosophical anthropology.Hans-Peter Kr - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):107 – 119.
    John McDowell argues for minimal empiricism via using the notion of second nature of human beings. I should like to invite him to discuss Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology in order to elaborate a more substantial conception of second nature. McDowell seems to think that it is adequate for his more epistemological aim to remind us of second nature as though it were to be taken for granted. But I think, following Plessner, that this right reminder needs a therapeutic elaboration in (...)
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    E. Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts als Erkenntnisprozess.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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  17. Zur Deutung von Axiomensystemen bei Popper.Hans-Peter Leeb - 2002 - In Edgar Morscher (ed.), Was wir Karl R. Popper und seiner Philosophie verdanken. Zu seinem 100. Geburtstag. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. pp. 133-159.
    In Popper's Logik der Forschung, a theoretical system is a set of sentences that describe a particular sub-area of science, in particular of empirical science. The goal of axiomatizing a theoretical system is to specify a small number of "axioms" describing all presuppositions of the sub-area under consideration, so that all other sentences of this system can be derived from them by means of logical or mathematical transformations. The paper discusses two philosophical interpretations of these proper axioms. First, proper axioms (...)
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  18. States of Affairs as Structured Extensions in Free Logic.Hans-Peter Leeb - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    The search for the extensions of sentences can be guided by Frege’s “principle of compositionality of extension”, according to which the extension of a composed expression depends only on its logical form and the extensions of its parts capable of having extensions. By means of this principle, a strict criterion for the admissibility of objects as extensions of sentences can be derived: every object is admissible as the extension of a sentence that is preserved under the substitution of co-extensional expressions. (...)
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    Wilhelm Dilthey: pioneer of the human studies.Hans Peter Rickman - 1979 - London: Elek.
    The importance of Dilthey Why read Dilthey today? Why study the ideas of a nineteenthcentury German philosopher some seventy years after his death? ...
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    On Touching the Violin.Peter Hanly - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (3):331-345.
    This essay considers the work of Jean-Luc Nancy on touch as a model for a conception of the musical body. More than a re-emphasizing of the tactile, though, it is possible to show that Nancy’s work enables an understanding of music as touch. The significance of this re-thinking lies in the counterweight it provides to the degradation of music entailed in its digitalized de-materialization. Hegel is seen to be complicit in this degradation.
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    C. Der Inhalt der Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The return of cultural history? ‘Literary’ historiography from Nietzsche to Hayden White.Hans-Peter Söder1 - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):73-84.
    Often overlooked is the fact that postmodern theory brought to the fore a crisis in the humanities. The implied universalism of the current “iconic turn” in postmodern thinking is a blow to the traditional sciences grouped around national literatures and cultures. In the 1980's, postmodern practitioners in the United States began to assault the discursive practices of the mainstream under the banner of cultural studies. The current crisis in the humanities surfaced in the emancipation of the various studies from their (...)
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  23.  12
    The adventure of reason: the uses of philosophy in sociology.Hans Peter Rickman - 1983 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This book is an introduction to the philosophical ideas of Plato, Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, and Immanuel Kant on the role of reason which have contributed to the evolution of sociological thought. Reason, according to Rickman, has a relevance to sociology that has not been explored. Because he is interested in the philosophical reflections which proved influential for understanding the social world, he deals systematically with the four philosophers' central arguments and one or more of their most important and easily (...)
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    F. Die Aufsichtsmaßnahme als Aufsichtsvollzug.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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    I. Risikomanagement der insolvenzgerichtlichen Aufsicht.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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  26.  20
    Intentionalität und Mentalität als explanans und explanandum.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (5):789-814.
    The author proposes that Tomasello's kind of asking and answering questions is a kind of quasi transcendental naturalism . It is transcendental in the sense that he asks about the structural and functional conditions that enable emprical phenomena. But he changes the direction of this question to its answer – namely to different time frames in nature and to empirical methods. Furthermore, the article proposes precisions of his conception regarding the intelligence of chimpanzees; the problem of imitation ; the difference (...)
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  27.  46
    A methodological note on ethics, economics, and the justification of action.Hans-Peter Weikard - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):183-188.
    Two disciplines claim to provide justification of action. Ethics gives you moral reasons to act upon, whereas economics exploits the concept of rationality. The paper discusses two theories of interdisciplinarity of ethics and economics in order to clarify the relationship. The traditional view of a hierarchical ordering of ethics and economics is rejected, and it is claimed that there are substantial economic contributions to ethical justification.
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    Dilthey today: a critical appraisal of the contemporary relevance of his work.Hans Peter Rickman - 1988 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    This volume provides a unique overview and analysis of the philosophy and thought of Wilhelm Dilthey, and examines his writings in terms of their contemporary relevance. Rickman contends that the hub of Dilthey's work was his philosophy of the human studies, and that his ideas were directly relevant to the future of the social sciences. The book focuses on Dilthey's contribution not only to philosophy but also to history, psychology, sociology, anthropology, literary criticism, and the methodology of human studies in (...)
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    Decreased Postural Complexity in Overweight to Obese Children and Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study.Hans-Peter Wiesinger, Michael Buchecker, Erich Müller, Thomas Stöggl & Jürgen Birklbauer - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionAlthough a few studies suggest that young overweight to obese children and adolescents may have impaired postural control compared to young normal-weight peers, little information exists about how these two groups differ in the quality of the underlying balance strategies employed. Hence, the aim of the present study was a first comprehensive examination of the structural complexity of postural sways in these two cohorts during quiet bilateral standing.MethodsNineteen YO secondary school students were carefully matched to YN controls for age, sex, (...)
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    National Socialism in the History of Being? A Discussion of Some Aspects of the Recent "L'Affaire Heidegger".Hans-Peter Söder - 1989 - Philosophy Today 33 (2):109-120.
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  31. Historicism and anthropology in Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology A review of Hegel's" Phenomenology of Spirit".Hans-Peter Krueger - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Democracy as a form of life – on the relationship between Christianity and democracy.Hans-Peter Grosshans - 2022 - Distinctio 1 (1):51-68.
    Talking of „democracy as a way of life“ is not as clear-cut as it immediately appears. Democracy is a form of a state. To what extent can it then also be called a form of life? The expression seems to apply to the whole life of people and thus not only to a form of state. In the sense of Wittgenstein‘s talk of the form of life or forms of life (vgl. Grosshans 2013, 183-9), democracy as a form of life (...)
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    Lebenswissenschaft, Globalisierung und künftige Geschichtlichkeit.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2016 (2):33-47.
    Helmuth Plessner’s Philosophical Anthropology presents a threefold challenge to contemporary scientific endeavours. Plessner’s philosophy of nature could integ- rate the biological life sciences into a qualitative understanding of nature. Since the public and private roles of persons are threatened by monopolies, Plessner’s philosophy of history can help to elucidate how the results of Western modernity are stripped off their origins by global capitalism.
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    The challenge of philosophy.Hans Peter Rickman - 2000 - London: Open Gate Press.
    This volume presents a selection of Professor Rickman's essays published over a period of 40 years. They reflect his view of philosophy and defend it against attacks on two fronts. On one side the assault comes from a substantial proportion of professional philosophers particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world, who treat philosophy as a purely academic, highly technical subject, dealing merely with the clarification of concepts, the solving of logical puzzles and the refutation of similarly abstruse theories of fellow philosophers. On (...)
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    Die Körper-Leib-Differenz von Personen: Exzentrische Positionalität und homo absconditus.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (4):577-589.
    The conceptual distinction between what it is to be a body and what it is to have a body was first construed by the philosophical anthropologist Helmuth Plessner.This article deals with two common problems within the German discourse on the theme.The first derives from a misunderstanding that the 3 categories body, living body, and person signify distinct entities, whilst what Plessner is actually referring to is the various modes in which a person′s life is led. Neither the modes of body (...)
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    (1 other version)Kritische Anthropologie?Hans-Peter Krüger - 2016 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 64 (4):553-580.
    This article compares Max Horkheimer’s and Theodor W. Adorno’s foundation of the Frankfurt Critical Theory with Helmuth Plessner’s foundation of Philosophical Anthropology. While Horkheimer’s and Plessner’s paradigms are mutually incompatible, Adorno’s „negative dialectics“ and Plessner’s „negative anthropology“ (G. Gamm) can be seen as complementing one another. Jürgen Habermas at one point sketched a complementary relationship between his own publicly communicative theory of modern society and Plessner’s philosophy of nature and human expressivity, and though he then came to doubt this, he (...)
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  37. A State-of-Affairs-Semantic Solution to the Problem of Extensionality in Free Logic.Hans-Peter Leeb - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (6):1091-1109.
    If one takes seriously the idea that a scientific language must be extensional, and accepts Quine’s notion of truth-value-related extensionality, and also recognizes that a scientific language must allow for singular terms that do not refer to existing objects, then there is a problem, since this combination of assumptions must be inconsistent. I will argue for a particular solution to the problem, namely, changing what is meant by the word ‘extensionality’, so that it would not be the truth-value that had (...)
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  38. The Public Nature of Human Beings. Parallels between Classical Pragmatisms and Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):195-204.
    Though Helmuth Plessner (1892-1985) elaborated his philosophical anthropology independently of the classical pragmatisms, there are many parallels with them. He combined a phenomenology of living beings (a parallel with William James) with a semiotic reconstruction (a parallel with Charles Sanders Peirce) of what we are already using whenever we specify living beings, among them ourselves as human living beings in nature, culture, and society. In Plessner’s distinction between having a body (Körperhaben) and being (or living) a body (Leibsein), there is (...)
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    The Second Nature of Human Beings: an Invitation for John McDowell to discuss Helmuth Plessner’s Philosophical Anthropology.Hans-Peter Krüger - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):107-119.
    Abstract John McDowell argues for minimal empiricism via using the notion of second nature of human beings. I should like to invite him to discuss Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology in order to elaborate a more substantial conception of second nature. McDowell seems to think that it is adequate for his more epistemological aim to remind us of second nature as though it were to be taken for granted. But I think, following Plessner, that this right reminder needs a therapeutic elaboration (...)
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    J. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Die condition humaine des Abendlandes.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (4):605-626.
    In the first part the text specifies Hannah Arendt's philosophical approach in three dimensions: a) She used Max Scheler's new phenomenology of living beings . b) She transformed Karl Jaspers' extraordinary limit situations of human conduct into anthropological conditions. c) Such conditions are questions that do need answers in forms of "vita active" and of "vita contemplative". Arendt moved from Max Scheler's Philosophical Anthropology to her own historical conception of the human condition inside the heterogeneity of our Occidental tradition. The (...)
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    The Harvard Vergil: Memoir of The Black Sheep.Hans-Peter Stahl - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (1):108-115.
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    From universal history to globalism: What are and for what purposes do we study European ideas?Hans-Peter Söder - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (1):72-86.
    Globalism is probably the most frequently used term describing our current age. Found in many contexts, it is often a vague concept referring to a host of different figurations of post-industrial society. European expansion, the growth of the global economy, mass immigration and the planetary expansion of international relations are merely some of the phenomena associated with globalism. Yet globalism taken in its most neutral form of global history is not merely a trendy catch-all phrase for the challenges of our (...)
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    D. Der Umfang der Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts.Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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    H. Besteht ein gesetzgeberischer Regelungsbedarf?Hans-Peter Rechel - 2009 - In Die Aufsicht des Insolvenzgerichts Über den Insolvenzverwalterthe Insolvency Court's Supervision of the Insolvency Administrator. "Supervision" as a Realization Process - "Supervisory Measures" as Execution: "Aufsicht" Als Erkenntnisprozess - "Aufsichtsma. De Gruyter Recht.
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  46. State-of-affairs Semantics for Positive Free Logic.Hans-Peter Leeb - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):183-208.
    In the following the details of a state-of-affairs semantics for positive free logic are worked out, based on the models of common inner domain - outer domain semantics. Lambert's PFL system is proven to be weakly adequate (i.e., sound and complete) with respect to that semantics by demonstrating that the concept of logical truth definable therein coincides with that one of common truth-value semantics for PFL. Furthermore, this state-of-affairs semantics resists the challenges stemming from the slingshot argument since logically equivalent (...)
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    Strange Lands.Peter Hanly - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):321-334.
    A gradual intertwinement of beauty and concept can be seen to determine, in no small measure, the direction of the first half of the Critique of Judgment. This paper considers the decisive influence of this intertwinement on the work of Hölderlin. Links are forged between the productive indeterminacy of the “aesthetic ideas” and the development of Hölderlin’s poetics, particularly in regard to his understanding of the relation between the natural world and its naming. The focus of attention will be on (...)
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    Hegel's Voice: Vibration and Violence.Peter Hanly - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):359-373.
    This essay is a consideration of Hegel's account of the voice. Responding, in the first instance, to Derrida's discussion of what he terms Hegel's 'semiology,' the article attempts to map out complexities in Hegel's account of voice that tend to resist absorption into the trajectory that Derrida has outlined. Hegel's discussion of music in the Aesthetics will be the focus, and an attempt is made to link the emergence of the musical voice to the fundamental determinations of time and of (...)
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    Protecting Research Subjects from Prohibited Multi-Participation in Clinical Trials.Hans-Peter Graf - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (4):136-147.
    The protection of human research subjects in clinical studies is regulated by international guidelines and national laws. Research Ethics Committees play an important role here, as they review the documentation for clinical studies under consideration of ethical aspects. This documentation includes an exclusion or wash-out period which designates when study subjects may not have participated in another study or be allowed to take part in a future one within a specified time period. However not all research subjects comply with their (...)
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  50.  24
    Life-Philosophical Anthropology as the Missing Third: On Peter Gordon's Continental Divide.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (4):432-439.
    SummaryThough Peter Gordon mentioned philosophical anthropology in his book Continental Divide, he has not yet realized how it works independently from Cassirer's and Heidegger's prejudices. The whole argument between them before, in and after Davos raged around the status of philosophical anthropology: How do the spiritualisation of life and the enlivening of the spirit come about? This was not just the central question for philosophical anthropology founded by Max Scheler, but also in Wilhelm Dilthey's life philosophy, which was systematized (...)
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